
Falling into Plaid

Today the weather is brisk and fall is imminent, so naturally I'm gravitating toward warmer fabrics and heavier patterns.  And according to some of our favourite designers, plaids and checks are the perfect way to welcome fall.  But then again, plaid is a cold weather classic so "'tis the season" you could say.  I've said my goodbyes to summer and I'm ready to embrace the colder weather with all that plaid has to offer: a little drama and a touch of mystery.  It's time to get serious! 

J xx


Amber B (Simple Dwellings) said...

Gorgeous round up! I love those walls! I have always loved plaid and it's a great pattern for fall. Can't wait to meet you at blog podium! :)

Yogi said...

I wonder what your oppinion on wall paper or neon accents in room decor is..

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