
Badass Bracelet

Ok, so I went and did what I swore I never would.  I bought skull paraphernalia.  Mind you, it's only a little bracelet or two.  Alexander McQueen is to blame for making skulls fashionable.  I never understood this trend... but in that split second upon accepting a personal dare and slipping the bracelet on my dainty wrist - I got it!  It's the titillating contrast between girly and badass.  And believe me, this is as badass as I get.  But I love that in a passing glance it just looks like a threaded bracelet with gold beads.  But look again my pretties, look again.

J xx

Bracelets from Over the Rainbow


Ann On and On... said...

I agree it's a little girly with the pink and b.ass with the skulls. Accessories are so fun!

Mom said...

I don't know what I think about this!

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